About the Archive
HMCT Archive serves as a repository for original and rare materials that document the history and teaching of typography, letterform design, and graphic design. The collection focuses on materials from the 20th and 21st centuries, emphasizing designers and educators associated with Professor Leah Hoffmitz Milken, ArtCenter College of Design, or Southern California. Materials include posters, books, specimen sheets, and preparatory work. (Note that our physical archive includes more materials than are currently cataloged here.)
To view materials in person, contact HMCT Director Susan Malmstrom to schedule an appointment.
The HMCT Archive website collections are organized by artist or donor (donor compilations include work by several artists). Clicking on a specific collection link leads to a description and an image of the work; clicking on an individual image will bring up information including year of production, size, and media of the work. If you’re using a tablet or smartphone, you can tap or click on the image to hide the caption.
Images may be downloaded for non-commercial purposes with credit to “Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography” and a link to this website. Original copyrights of all works remain with the owners. For usage beyond educational purposes, you may contact the original copyright holder through HMCT.
About HMCT

Professor, Art Center College of Design
The mission of the Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography (HMCT) is to set the standard of excellence in typography education; elevate and advance the teaching and understanding of both letterform design and typographic practice; provide valuable support and service to the educational and professional communities, reinforcing the meaning and value of typography; and to honor the past and anticipate the future of typography in a society of rapidly changing visual communication methods.
Founded in 2015 in memory of Professor Leah Hoffmitz Milken, a renowned typographer, letterform designer, and faculty member at ArtCenter, HMCT is dedicated to every aspect of the typographic field. Created to serve as a home and catalyst for the enhanced study of typography and letterform design, the Center serves as an educational forum, design laboratory, research center, and archive. HMCT regularly presents workshops, special classes, lectures, exhibitions, and residency programs.